Look at me

Aviators. An Etsy store. Patterned scarf with perfect strands of curled-the-night-before locks. You run. And you make a perfect gluten free quiche for Easter. The tulips are wilted just so. Everyone gets a handmade basket with artisan goodies and a vintage bottle of wine. But this isn't for just everyone...only people who are like you. People who have never had a 'high school job,' known what it was like to paint your own toenails or scrape for change under the seat of the car to buy a bagel...and not have enough.

None of you have ever been stripped of your naturally-given possibilities or came so close to homelessness that you wondered what it would be like; if you could survive a night without shelter or food. You pursue your dreams without concern of failure because even behind failure is another option. Your talk of 'being present' is sincere because you understand the value, but the truth is, you haven't truly known a distraction from the present besides your own pursuit. Your day is yours.

Your heartaches have been delivered, but not received. You brush by others with an air of peaceful rush without noticing any strife. The parking space for your Range Rover was right out front as if they were holding it for you. What's to be concerned about. Isn't life grand?




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