Saving facebook

Let us find value in the time we have rather than in the time we do not; measure a day's success in its connections rather than its accomplishments. Rather than striving to impress others, maybe we should strive to INSPIRE others. And perhaps we should practice a bit more self deprecation and a little less self elevation.

It seems we're all better when we're connected, when like meets like, rather than when we're merely striving for more "Likes." The challenges of moving through life are softened when we understand we're not alone. When we see that others have also felt limited, unheard and placated, it tends to lift the burden of those feelings for ourselves. Life isn't perfect for anyone yet it is REAL for everyone. Shall we find where we relate rather than where we differentiate?

Facebook provides us a terrific gift. Easier than ever in history, we can avoid isolation in a matter of moments with the tap of a finger pad. So, why is it that we spend more time promoting only our fantastic, funny and fanciful experiences to paint a rosy picture; an illusion that tends to segregate by comparison?

This also isn't a request for more sadness, sensationalism and scare tactics, but rather a cry for support, solutions and sameness. I'd prefer to see an action I can take to help a friend rather than a post on behalf of a non-profit to help ALL who are in need, or even one stranger in desperation. One movement to help a friend tends to create change while the other moves me to tears. 

Maybe we should start poems and ask others to contribute lines. Start a list of dream destinations and ask our friends to contribute theirs rather than gloating by listing their exhaustive airport codes for the week's business travel. Post DIY projects and clever creations, particularly the ones that have failed. Ideas, stories of triumph, and can-do attitudes conceived out of difficulty would leave me feeling full of motivation instead of self doubt.

Invitations. Hello. I see you. Call me. Remember when...these are communication starters 
where we feel comfortable opening our hearts. And isn't social media about being 'part of the conversation?' On Facebook, let's meet here and not always where we feel left out, where we can see the parties where we weren't invited, when you were saying goodbye, and ultimately, when we felt absent from each other.

Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez


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