
Let me tell you something. Everyone in that group was flawed. That is the absolute truth. However, with the exception of a select few, they were always ready to exclude people for THEIR flaws.

It's interesting to me to watch them gather, frolic, and laugh about the good 'ole days. I find myself looking at each person, digging out at least one fault for each, in an effort to make myself feel better for being excluded.

But, my reality is much deeper than my silent accusations. They have a power over me. Looking at their posts and frivolity, I feel as if I'm lesser-than, untalented and a failure. Remember all those mistakes I made? Why are mine remembered and theirs conveniently forgotten? Why wasn't I liked? Why wasn't I valued? ...because I wasn't of value.

This experience today, a Facebook viewing and witnessing of being excluded has made me feel incredibly alone, worthless and unknowing. I hate them. I hate myself.

Photo Credit: Viktor Talashuk


I wish


Look at me